Get ready soldier , DEFCON 3 is announced. Azzat is under attack in previous post. Lock and Load! Prepare to enter the warzone! *pew pewww*
Hey you soldier ! What are you doing there? You're supposed to be on the battlefield with your guns! NOT with your camera!
Okay cut the crap.
Meet Cindy , the "Miss-talk-a-lot" in our class. You guys believe that there's a 15years old kid in our class? Does she ever look like a 18 years old girl to you? HAHA , wait till you see her behaviour. She'll always claim herself as "I am matured , OKAY??" everytime when we call her childish =D Okay , I KNOW! You want proof? NAHHH
sorry jiachyi , too lazy to watermark your names and picture :D
BUT! Careful with her. She's loaded with "I-Wont-Talk-To-You" missiles and RPG that is sufficient enough to launch her war on someone for 1 whole week. This small kid is shockingly a HEAD PREFECT of Convent and a district player for TENNIS. WOWOW
tennis lah , not badminton. cannot find her picture playing tennis woh...
Cindy and her famous "expression". Sweaaaaattt , mengada ish! Mama mia!! *dengggg*
LOL , funny lah. Last week when there's a (should I call- Firecracker Fiesta?) . She will *MAMA MIAAA!!* everytime the firecrackers goes *BOOOOM!!*
And now everyone in ACS is using the "sweat" terms. Thanks to her.
Oh oh last but not least! Hahaha , this is my secret weapon to nuke you , CINDY GOH!
I tot I tot i taw a putty ket! Hahahahah TWEETY BIRDDDD!!
Editor's note : Sorry to everyone who's hurt with my post. Thousand apologies from me , thanks for being a good classmate * eventhough some of you hates me , i know :) *
Goodluck for your stpm , don't give up like me lah. Okay?
I'm officially signing off from this blog. Hope to read more updates from all of you regarding the class activities or...whatever lah. Goodbye!
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